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Become a Sanctuary Trustee – get involved in this community project

The Board of Trustees is seeking a new trustee to join the Brook Waimārama Sanctuary Trust.

The Sanctuary covering 690 hectares at the top of the Brook Valley in Nelson, is a community-led initiative that has created the largest fenced mainland Sanctuary in the South Island, second largest in New Zealand and the only one containing a large tract of native beech forest.

The ongoing efforts of the small team of staff, more than 300 volunteers and generous community funding has enabled the construction of the 14.4km predator proof fence and restoration of the ecosystem where existing native species now thrive. As these populations outgrow the 690-hectare area they will disperse into neighbouring lands such as the Richmond Forest, and urban areas; the wider region will benefit from this ‘halo effect’.

By November 2020, all mammalian introduced pests inside the fence have been eradicated and in April 2021 Tīeke (South Island saddleback) species was re-introduced, the first of several translocations that have been planned.

The Trust is an important part of the Nelson City Council/DOC halo and land to the sea corridor. The Sanctuary has reserve status, is one of Nelson City Council’s identified significant land areas and was the site of Nelson’s original water supply dating back 150 years so is also a key feature of Nelson’s history.

To achieve its aims, the Trust works closely with local Iwi, the Nelson City Council, DOC, business supporters and volunteers. The Trust employs its own full-time ecologist and is helped by a large group of volunteers who directly support the conservation and ecological objectives with practical support and assistance.

The new trustee will also Chair the Ecosystem’s committee, which is tasked with overseeing management’s work in Sanctuary security, pest fence integrity, translocations, ecological restoration, conservation, and the coordination of research input with other likeminded organisations. The Trust is looking for an enthusiastic person with a scientific background in conservation. Experience in practical conservation is important as is the willingness to work collegially with fellow trustees, volunteers, and management.

The role requires regular attendance at committee meetings and trustee meetings. The role is non-remunerated.

Please apply in writing in the first instance to Chris Hawkes the Trust Chair, email


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