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Podcasts and further information …

Between January 2021 and August 2022 the Brook Sanctuary broadcast on FreshFM with Kirsten Roedsgaard-Mathiesen, our (previous) Visitor Centre and Volunteer Coordinator hosting Voices from the Brook – a show of interesting events at the Sanctuary and interviews with people associated with the Sanctuary; the show has now been discontinued.

Podcast #41 – Wednesday, Aug 31, 2022 Click here Nelson was hard hit by the severe and devastating weather event in mid-August – Sanctuary staff and many volunteers were all on high alert anticipating the worst. Despite receiving more than 700 mm of rain at the Sanctuary, the damage was thankfully less than anticipated, however, the Sanctuary did not get away entirely unscathed. The weather event also had an impact on the Sanctuaries of New Zealand (SONZI) conference that took place that week, but it was still a great conference for the approx. 100 attendees, some of whom had a chance to taste the latest brew from Nelson’s FreeHouse – a Powelliphanta Porter.

Podcast #40 – Wednesday, Aug 17, 2022 Click here In this edition we learn how the Sanctuary staff and volunteers cope with heavy rain and fence breaches. We also pay tribute to our many volunteers by hearing about some of their various tasks on different teams. There is also an update on the 100+ Kākāriki karaka (orange-fronted parakeets) we received Nov 21 – May 2022.

Podcast #39 – Wednesday, Aug 3, 2022 Click here This edition covers an update on the refurbishment of the Sanctuary Visitor Centre including the much-loved 3D model of the Nelson area and the Sanctuary. We hear from happy visitors who have enjoyed our popular glow-worm tours and get an update on the state of the walking tracks after all the rain. We also hear about the day a group of 42 Fulton Hogan employees came to see us.

Podcast #38 – Wednesday, July 20, 2022 Click here This edition covers the recent bad weather and how it affected the Sanctuary and gave staff and volunteers quite a bit of extra work. We also hear from happy visitors and how much they enjoy visiting the Sanctuary. We have an update on the current Visitor Centre upgrade project and learn about exciting plans for the future reintroduction of tuatara. Please note: the reintroduction of tuatara is likely to be a year or two away – as there are a LOT of details and approvals that need to be gained before we see them in the Sanctuary.

Podcast #37 – Wednesday, July 6, 2022 Click here Join host Kirsten Roedsgaard and hear updates about the current building project at the Sanctuary’s Visitor Centre. We have an interview with Lou Sanson, the Sanctuary’s new patron, and we learn about the mice situation in the Sanctuary. Lastly, Chief Executive Ru Collin talks about his recent visits to several sanctuaries in the North Island.

Podcast #36 – Wednesday, June 22, 2022 Click here This edition covers our recent guided fungi walks, volunteering, the release of Powelliphanta into the Sanctuary and also the release of a new beer inspired by the Brook Waimārama Sanctuary. Our event’s coordinator talks about the Sculpt Nature project as well as the upcoming Matariki events. We also hear from our Health & Safety committee and what they are all about.

Podcast #35 – Wednesday, June 8, 2022 Click here Join host Kirsten Roedsgaard and hear updates about our GLOW WORM TOURS, a new exhibition at the Nelson Provincial Museum, the imminent release of Powelliphanta snails and more. Chief Executive Ru Collin talks about a memorial tree planting event in honour of Dave Butler taking place on July 2nd. 2022

Podcast #34 – Wednesday, April 20, 2022 Click here Join host Kirsten Roedsgaard and guest, Chief Executive Ru Collin, as they discuss various projects and events including the recent OPEN Day on April 10th., which attracted 763 visitors. It is now a year ago we reintroduced 40 tīeke South Island Saddleback, so we have a little trip down memory lane commemorating that special day in April 2021 before hearing how the birds are doing now.

Podcast # 33 – Wednesday, April 6, 2022 Click here Join host Kirsten Roedsgaard who covers this week’s end of the Vaccine Mandate, the OPEN DAY on April 10th and other events happening in the near future. We have an update from our Operations Manager Nick Robson about the status of the Sanctuary, we also hear from CE Ru Collin about the Sanctuary’s new patron, Lou Sanson. Lastly volunteer Sean McGrath talks about his involvement in the reintroductions of Kākāriki Karaka.

Podcast #32 – Wednesday, March 23, 2022 Click here Join host Kirsten Roedsgaard covering the recent Biz Club Early Bird Breakfast, which was a huge success with an amazing dawn chorus. We have great news about our Kakāriki karaka and news about all the hard work done by our weeding team.

Podcast #31 – Wednesday, March 9, 2022 Click here Join host Kirsten Roedsgaard for a little walk inside the Sanctuary where she gets an update on the Kaka aviary currently being built by some of our dedicated volunteers. Also updates on the Nature Passport for children, our opening hours and our guided walks – especially the new “Orchid and off-the-beaten-track walk”.

Podcast #30 – Wednesday, February 23, 2022 Click here This edition covers news and updates on the kākāriki karaka (orange-fronted parakeets), the Sanctuary-Wide-Survey, the upcoming Visitor Centre building enhancement and our growing membership base.

Podcast #29 – Wednesday, February 9, 2022 Click here In this edition we get updates from the Sanctuary about our predator-free status, our amazing visitor numbers in January and the continued local support with new members signing up daily! We learn more about the recently released kākāriki karaka (orange-fronted parakeets) from our ecologist, and there are updates on our merchandise and on how to become a volunteer.

Podcast #28 – Wednesday, January 26,  Click here In this edition we have CE Ru Collin and Shani Bennett, our kaiāwhina mātauranga (education/storytelling support) person, discussing the Sanctuary’s exciting educational offerings in the studio. We also cover the January 2022 volunteer BBQ and learn why our hardworking volunteers love coming to the Sanctuary. Lastly we have a chat with Corey who runs his CHEESY DEAN’s “Toastie and Coffee cart” at the Sanctuary.

Podcast #27 – Wednesday, January 12,  Click here This edition offers updates on the recent release of kākāriki karaka, (orange-fronted parakeets). Listen to their cute song and learn more about them from DOC staff and the Sanctuary’s ecologist Robert Schadewinkel. The program also offers feedback from some of our many visitors including some who have enjoyed a guided walk, one of the many offerings at the Sanctuary!

Podcast #26 – Wednesday, January 5, 2022 Click here Happy New Year. In this edition we look to the future and hear about the many projects that are planned for 2022. CE Ru Collin is in the studio with host Kirsten Roedsgaard. We also have some very positive visitor feedback and updates on the extended summer opening hours.

Podcast #25 – Wednesday, December 22 Click here 2021 is coming to an end. This is our Christmas edition and the last show of the year! And what a fantastic year it has been for the Brook Waimārama Sanctuary with two bird translocations: Tíeke and Kākāriki karaka, more than 500 new paid up members, several new staff members and lots of new dedicated volunteers etc. CE Ru Collin and key staff members talk about 2021 and wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

Podcast #24 – Wednesday, December 8 Click here In this show we are focusing on the recent translocation of Kākāriki Karaka, Orange Fronted Parakeet & our collaboration with NRDA – Nelson Regional Development Agency. In the studio with host Kirsten Roedsgaard are Fiona Wilson, Chief Executive of NRDA, and Ru Collin – the Sanctuary’s Chief Executive. Olivia Gallagher, our events and promotions coordinator, gives an update on the latest merchandise available at the Visitor Centre, and our ecologist Robert Schadewinkel shares some exciting news about the Tīeke, the South Island saddlebacks, that were released into to sanctuary in April.

Podcast #23 – Wednesday, November 24 Click here In this show we talk a bit about the recent translocation of Kākāriki Karaka (Orange Fronted parakeet) into the Sanctuary. We have an article about the Te Reo Maori lessons that staff have enjoyed lately incl. the Mihimihi created especially for the Sanctuary. We also have an interview with one of the volunteers involved in the installation of the Flagstone bridge. Since this was recorded, the project has progressed rapidly and the bridge is now in place and we are awaiting the final consent process to go ahead before we can open the bridge to the public. There is also a snippet about our growing membership.

Podcast #22 – Wednesday, November 10 Click here This edition gives an update from the AGM in late October focusing on visitor numbers, the budget and the future of the Sanctuary. Meet the Sanctuary educators Rick Field and Shani Bennett and listen to them hosting an enthusiastic school group from Rai Valley.

Podcast #21 – Wednesday, October 27 Click here In this edition Kirsten focuses on some of all the work that is currently happening inside the Sanctuary such as track maintenance and the building of aviaries. Kirsten also talks to our biosecurity ranger Steffi about the predator-free status of the Brook Waimārama Sanctuary.

Podcast #20 – Wednesday, October 13 Click here In this edition Kirsten focuses on some of the 12 volunteer teams that are the life blood of the Brook Waimārama Sanctuary. Without the hard work of our approximately 300 dedicated volunteers – we would not have such a beautiful eco haven in Nelson. Listen to the leaders of the Asset team, the Fence checking team, the Track cutting team and the Planting team talk about their work.

Podcast #19 – Wednesday, September 29 Click here In this episode Kirsten talks to zoologist and sanctuary volunteer Katherine Chamberlain about the bird surveys that are done in the Brook Waimārama Sanctuary. Kirsten also speaks with several other volunteers who explain what they do on Mondays at the Visitor Centre. It is on the back of all the efforts from the many busy and hardworking volunteers that Nelson has such a fabulous sanctuary.

Podcast #18 – Wednesday, September 15 Click here  After a short lockdown break, Kirsten is back with a new edition and talks with employees Olivia Gallagher and Deborah McConochie about their respective roles as the Sanctuary’s events coordinator and business development associate.

Podcast #17 – Wednesday, August 25 – repeat of the show broadcast 30 June

Podcast #16 – Wednesday, August 11 Click here In this edition, Kirsten talks to Sam Stubbs from Simplicity, one of the Sanctuary’s generous sponsors. We also meet a journalist from Woman’s Day magazine who visited the Sanctuary and thoroughly enjoyed it, and then we get a great update from Nick Robson, the Sanctuary’s Operations Manager, about new tracks in the making, more reintroductions etc.

Podcast #15 – Wednesday, July 28 – repeat of the show broadcast 14 April

Podcast #14 – Wednesday, July 14 2021 – repeat of the show from 21 April

Podcast #13 – Wednesday, June 30 2021 Click here In this edition, Kirsten covers the blessing of the Martin Love Oamaru stone sculpture; the sculpture has been in the Sanctuary for a few months now, greeting visitors as they begin, or end, their walks. At the blessing Martin’s friend, carver William Wiringi did the official karakia. Martin’s family was there as were volunteers, staff members and some of our trustees. We also cover the recent Volunteer EXPO where we were successful in attracting new volunteers to some of our many busy teams.

Podcast #12 – Wednesday, June 16 2021 Click here Kirsten has invited Ru Collin and Nick Tilly into the studio at Fresh FM to talk about the Sanctuary’s new GOLD status given by Qualmark. They also talk about other exciting things that have been happening in the Sanctuary lately, ie the introduction of Night Tours. And Nick talks about his multi-facetted role as the Sanctuary’s busy office manager.

Podcast #11 – Wednesday, June 2 2021 Click here Kirsten talks to Sanctuary CE Ru Collin and ecologist Robert Schadewinkel about the Sanctuary’s biosecurity status and all the work needed to keep the Sanctuary predator-free. With a group of staff and volunteers Kirsten did a trial run of the newly introduced Glowworm/Dark Forest Tour and gives listeners an idea of what to expect if joining a tour. Click here for further information on the glowworm tours.

Podcast #10 – Wednesday, May 19 2021 click here Kirsten has invted Chris Hemi and Deryk Mason, the Sanctuary’s two iwi-related trustees, into the studio alongside Chief Executive Ru Collins to discuss the importance of iwi’s involvement in the Sanctuary. We also hear from a number of the students who visited the Sanctuary earlier in May as part of a Student Army working bee weekend in Nelson.

Podcast #9 – Wednesday, May 5 2021 click here Kirsten and others discuss the tīeke (South Island saddleback) species reintroduced to the Sanctuary 19 & 20 April 2021, and interviews Sanctuary visitors on their experience.

Podcast #8 – Wednesday, April 21 2021 click here Kirsten covers the first re-introduction – a main event for the Sanctuary. 37 tīeke (South Island saddleback) were released on April 19. and Kirsten was there following the whole process with local iwi representatives blessing the arrival of the birds, and volunteers and staff taking the birds inside the Sanctuary. A very emotional and memorable day for everyone involved including Mayor Rachel Reese, Councillor Kate Fulton, Sanctuary Chair Chris Hawkes, Sanctuary Chief Executive Ru Collin and many others.

Podcast #7 – Wednesday, April 14 2021 click here Kirsten focuses this edition on the Open Day that took place on April 11 and saw over 1300 visitors through the gate at the Sanctuary. A busy and fun day with workshops, food stalls, live music, guided walks, puppet shows and fun runs. At the end of the podcast, the focus shifts to the day before the Open Day when the emergency team rushed to the top of the Sanctuary to fix a breach in the fence in the pouring rain.

Podcast #6 – Wednesday, March 31 2021 click here Kirsten interviews Hal Martin, the Sanctuary’s Comms. and Marketing coordinator at the time, about the upcoming Open Day and all the activities he has lined up making it a great event for both adults and children. We also learn about mice in the Sanctuary and hear from visitors who enjoyed their guided visit.

Podcast #5 – Wednesday, March 17 2021 click hereKirsten talks to Chief Executive Ru Collin about the current status of the Sanctuary being predator-free and how that is monitored. Recently the Sanctuary had two specialised dogs and their handlers checking the almost 700 hectares for rats. Thankfully, they found none! Kirsten also talks with Ru Collins and Nick Robson about the roles of the key staff members. She has a chat with volunteer Jane Stevens about some of the work she does in the Sanctuary and also two visitors who enjoyed a guided walk.

Podcast #4 – Wednesday, March 3 2021 click here Kirsten talks to Rick Field about his role as an educator, taking school groups through the Sanctuary. We also hear from visitors who did one of the guided walks and from volunteers working hard inside the Sanctuary to help keep it predator-free.

Podcast #3 – Wednesday, 17 February 2021 click here Kirsten continues her series, Voices from the Brook, on FreshFM. This episode features Ru Collin again, talking about mustelids (if you don’t know what these are, then have a listen and find out!) He touches on a number of other Sanctuary related topics. Also included is an interview with dog handler Carey, who has been tasked with a search of the Sanctuary to see if there are any rodents still present. We are pleased to report that none were detected.

Podcast #2 – Wednesday, 3 February 2021  click here New Zealand’s problem with introduced predators and how the Sanctuary operates and educates are discussed by Sanctuary Chief Executive Ru Collin with host Kirsten Roedsgaard on Fresh FM.

Podcast #1 – Wednesday, 20 January click here Kirsten presents her first Voices from the Brook show, with an interview with Sanctuary Chief Executive Ru Collin noting the passing of the late Dave Butler and his role in founding the Sanctuary. Ru and Kirsten discuss our guided walks offering.

Further reading: interesting articles from The Prow

The Prow is a collaborative venture between the Nelson Public, Tasman and Marlborough District Libraries, Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology, and The Nelson Provincial Museum.


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