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OPENING HOURS OPEN: TUE-SUN 10am - 4pm (during School Holidays)
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Our Garden Bird Survey is how we measure whether or not The Brook Sanctuary is creating a “halo-effect” whereby the bird species within the predator-proof fence spread-out well beyond the Sanctuary as their population numbers recover.

Success means the Sanctuary will be the catalyst for a halo-effect, with the endangered populations within the Sanctuary eventually spreading into our backyards and other parts of New Zealand.

Completing this form enables us to gather data about and spread of species beyond the Sanctuary.

Protocols for backyard bird monitoring

This Garden Bird Survey involves counting the birds seen in one’s backyard, a local park or other area of choice over a period of half an hour, at any time of day, on any one day between the 14th and 22nd of each month (except June/July, when we ask that you monitor for one hour to coincide with the National Bird Survey). Only the largest number seen at one time of each species is recorded.

If you don’t know a sparrow from a song thrush, now is a great time to learn. A useful resource is New Zealand Birds Online

Please contact Katherine Chamberlain at for more information.

For other ways to get involved with the Sanctuary, check this out.


NBS-Comm-2col-CMYK-Hires (002)


Sponsors; J&E Reuhl; logos
Sponsors; kumanu; logos
Sponsors; Simplicity; logos
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